培训和交流中心, 现场最大的建筑, 能抵御五级飓风吗.


渐进式设计-建造节省时间. 约翰警长办公室时间,成本

Officials in the fast-growing county leveraged 澳门足彩app's 集成交付 expertise to make its much-needed training and communications facility a reality.


10 th-fastest-growing人口 of any county in the 美国 and its operations spread throughout 20 different buildings, 圣. 约翰县, 佛罗里达, 警长办公室显然迫切需要一个新的, 最先进的应急通信和培训中心.

由于时间紧迫,公共资助的预算有限,圣. 约翰县 officials determined that 集成交付 would be the best way to expedite the project and manage its costs.

2019年末, 该县选择了附近杰克逊维尔的哈斯克尔, 设计-建造先锋, 送一个48,占地面积67英亩,占地面积5000平方英尺(SF),包括以下内容:

  • 有911调度中心的行政和培训大楼, 礼堂, 训练和有氧运动室,还有更衣室
  • 防御战术和虚拟枪械训练设施
  • 两座枪械训练大楼,设有室外射击场
  • 战术驾驶轨迹
  • 水下潜水训练区.

澳门足彩app was selected as 设计、er in part for their experience with Progressive 设计、, 让县政府能够提前开始设计和审批程序, 提供建立固定价格的机会, 获得许可并尽早开始施工. 这对于实现一个积极的交付时间表至关重要。. 约翰县的总工程师在2021年7月15日的推荐信中写道.

The 911 communications center receives more than 300,每年通过不同的机构打000个电话.


集成, 设计、 delivery has grown to be the single most-popular project delivery method – it now accounts for 44% of all construction spending – for the very reasons St. 约翰斯县官员确认. Numerous advantages stem from the fact that the project owner signs one contract with one entity responsible for architectural, 工程及建筑服务.

  • The 设计、er bears responsibility, and risk, for completion of both design and construction.
  • Delivery schedules are compressed by expediting design and construction procurement; allowing early release of long-lead materials and equipment, which mitigates cost escalation; phasing design and construction so that activities take place concurrently rather than sequentially; and eliminating change orders through close collaboration.
  • 它允许在设计早期而不是在完成设计之后识别成本. 这让项目团队在项目超出或低于预算时做出相应的反应.
  • 它消除了传统交付的合同障碍, 怎样才能促进合作和创新, 导致日程安排, 成本和客户体验的好处. 
  • 它创造了一个可以最大限度地发挥技术的环境, 在计划中产生改进的结果, 成本和客户体验的好处. 

澳门足彩app和该县建立了渐进设计-建造关系, a phased application of 设计、 in which the project team worked collaboratively with county personnel to arrive at a design and a contract price. 澳门足彩app随后进行了定价级设计开发, 施工前服务,协商项目保证最高价格(GMP).

“我们的工作关系非常协作, and I was impressed by the 澳门足彩app team’s client-focused culture and willingness to adapt to changing conditions,弗里曼说. “GMP建立之后, 他们能够维持预算和进度, 除业主变更范围外, 尽管材料成本不断上涨, 项目变更和COVID大流行.”


项目团队利用离家近的商业关系使St. 约翰县的工作效率更高. 另外, 澳门足彩app提供了信息, guided design and provided options to align the county’s program needs and wants with the budget.

“We understood the challenges and felt we had the local connections with subcontractors to help pull levers and to keep things on budget,” 查理Rocheleau澳门足彩app在北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市的区域副总裁.C.他积极参与了圣. 约翰项目.

在整个项目中, 弗里曼写道, 澳门足彩app “quickly addressed all changes and updated permit documents and performed 内部设计 changes to reflect the desired changes. 他们提供了成本替代方案,以使项目保持在原预算范围内. 哈斯克尔应付自如,大方地适应了任何变化.”

The largest building on site 能抵御五级飓风吗 and houses a 911 communications center that receives more than 300,每年通过不同的机构打000个电话, the real-time crime center that tracks crimes in progress and relays the information to deputies in the field.


The adjacent state-certified driving track provides the required training for the operation of emergency vehicles. A large retention pond accommodates drainage on the property but also contains part of an airplane, 一辆校车和一辆警长办公室潜水队用来练习的车辆.

The firearms training facilities include two high-tech shooting ranges with rotating targets and speaker systems. 较大的范围主要由500多名代表和另一名代表使用, 执法合作伙伴的范围更小,比如总部位于杰克逊维尔的联邦调查局和圣. 约翰县的特警队. 其中一个靶场的特点是Jedburgh目标系统, which uses a programmable logic controller (PLC) and allows officers to be trained to react to random situations, 澳门足彩app顾问斯科特·沃森说, a U.S. 军校毕业生,前绿色贝雷帽和圣. 奥古斯汀的居民. A Spire Ranges system on the other range uses paper targets to meet statewide and national training qualification standards and was introduced when the facility was completed.

“Their business is to protect the community and that really resonated with us,” Rocheleau said. “We presented a few ideas they hadn’t really thought of and got creative in making sure things fit in their budgeting. 我们从他们的愿望清单开始,然后据此制定预算.”

咨询澳门足彩app的专家 in Progressive 设计、 delivery to learn how to meet deadlines and control costs on your organization’s next project.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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