为米勒电气中心剪彩, 从左, 捷豹总经理Trent Baalke说, 主教练道格·佩德森, 米勒电气公司首席执行官亨利·布朗, 美洲虎的老板沙德·汗说, 杰克逊维尔市市长唐娜·迪根说, 市议会主席罗恩·塞勒姆和哈斯克尔主席, 首席执行官兼总裁吉姆·奥利里.



作为捷豹米勒电气中心的施工经理, 澳门足彩app worked seven days a week for months to deliver the 最先进的 facility on schedule.


周二,只有获得邀请才能参加的人群聚集在一起, 7月18日, 参加米勒电气中心的剪彩仪式和正式开业, 杰克逊维尔美洲虎队的新训练设施和体育表演中心, 还得祝球队老板沙德·汗生日快乐.

伊姆兰·汗在讲话一开始就谈到了最先进的设施, “我不能要求更好的礼物了.”

作为项目的施工经理,在18个月的生命周期中处于危险之中, 澳门足彩app worked diligently with its contract partners to ensure that the facility stayed within an aggressive schedule that would have it ready for the team’s 2023 training camp.

“澳门足彩app led the team that built this facility and completed the project on time and in a safe manner,捷豹总裁马克·兰平说. “也感谢为这个项目工作的许多分包商. 但最重要的是, to the hundreds of hard-working men and women who actually did the work under what were often sometimes very trying weather conditions. 我还要感谢项目主管丹尼·帕门特, 以及(运营总裁-计划) & 开发) 皮特·金斯利 感谢他对这个项目的贡献.”

美国国家橄榄球联盟的主教练以长时间工作而闻名, 而亚足联南部冠军美洲虎队的道格·佩德森绝对符合这个模式. Still, Pederson said he had nothing on the crews building his team’s new home.

“I’ve got to thank 澳门足彩app and all the men and women that tirelessly spent hours and hours here,佩德森说. “每天早上我5点来这里的时候, 早上五点半, 他们在这里工作, 他们正在制造这个东西. 我向他们脱帽致敬. 当我们每天走在这里的时候,它带来了骄傲. 它带来快乐. 它带来满足感.”

The creation of 米勒电气 Center is one of a series of steps the Jaguars and the City of 杰克逊维尔 are taking that will lead to the creation of the Stadium of the Future, EverBank体育场的全面翻新. The team is relocating football operations from inside the existing stadium and into the dedicated, 新工厂.

新, 最先进的, 125,000-square-foot sports performance center is maintained by the Jaguars and owned by the city. 包括更衣室, 训练和恢复区域, 医疗支援设施, 健身房, 运动员餐厅, 办公空间和草稿室. 它还有2个特点,在球迷便利区有090个遮阳看台座位, 完成让步, 卫生间, 公共艺术和Fanatics专卖店.


“杰克逊维尔文艺复兴正在进行中, 我很高兴看到捷豹在其中扮演了如此重要的角色,杰克逊维尔市长唐娜·迪根说. “这个团队有能力把我们所有人团结在一起,它确实做到了. 捷豹还提醒我们,当我们团结起来时,我们是一个可以做的城市. 我们在一起努力做大事. 我期待着我们共同的未来.”

汗附和了市长的热情, noting that the completion and high quality of 米勒电气 Center was a sign of things to come.

“今天是杰克逊维尔愿景变为现实的又一个例子. But what makes this particularly gratifying is the vision certainly wasn't mine alone. 我们的社区, 城市的领导, 足球队, 米勒电气, everyone had the same vision and a belief that we can do amazing things in 杰克逊维尔. 我们一起使它成为现实. 我们成功了.”

解决复杂的建筑, 工程 and construction projects with expertise and imagination is what we do. 接触澳门足彩app 讨论您的设施需求.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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