


  • 澳门足彩app将领导设计和建造佛罗里达州墨尔本的Aerion公园
  • 目前正在准备110多英亩的土地,用于2021- 2022年的主要建设工作
  • New state-of-the-art development to home production of the world’s first supersonic business jet – the AS2 – 从2023年开始

佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔 -超音速飞机公司; Aerion, 这家超音速技术的领导者已经确认了与哈斯克尔公司的最终协议, 业内最重要的集成设计之一, 工程及建筑公司, 作为Aerion Park开发的设计和建造领导者. The new state-of-the-art campus will form Aerion’s global headquarters and will home production of the AS2公务机 从2023年开始.

“Aerion Park代表了可持续超音速飞行的未来, 就在墨尔本, 佛罗里达,汤姆·维斯说, Aerion董事长, 总统 & 首席执行官. “园区将成为创新之家, cutting-edge aircraft construction and the most environmentally sustainable facility of its type anywhere in the world.”

“We look forward to continuing our partnership with 澳门足彩app over the years ahead to realize our vision and bring a new, sustainable means of supersonic flight to reality in a truly integrated campus that is Aerion Park – a home that our team and the local community can be very proud of.”

Aerion Park will be located on more than 110 acres of the Orlando Melbourne 国际 Airport (MLB) campus and among a growing cluster of aerospace and technology companies on 佛罗里达’s Space Coast. The Park will incorporate the company’s new global headquarters plus an integrated campus for research, 设计, production and interior completions of the company’s AS2 supersonic business jet and future derivative aircraft.

“We’ve been working with Aerion for several years on the mission to create this transformative product and we couldn’t possibly be more aligned on the objectives of sustainability and the application of so many new technologies in facilities, 澳门足彩app和运输业,保罗·罗登布什说, 澳门足彩app基础设施规划和发展高级副总裁 & 运输配送组. “这个网站将包含比最近开发的任何网站更复杂的需求, 所以它正好位于佛罗里达州的太空海岸地区.”

“We only get a few chances in our brief careers to be involved in something that’s really revolutionary and important to the world, so the entire 澳门足彩app team is deeply excited about this partnership and the challenging objective to create the most sustainable manufacturing facility in the world.”

澳门足彩app offers client-focused solutions in the infrastructure and transportation; consumer and packaged goods; and federal and healthcare sectors. 全球专家网络提供规划, 建筑, 工程, construction and consulting services to clients and communities in locations across the 美国, 拉丁美洲和亚洲.

就像AS2私人飞机寻求实现碳中和飞行一样, the home in which it will be created aims to be the most environmentally sustainable of its kind in the aerospace sector. Aerion Park is planned to be powered by clean energy – using the very latest in photovoltaic solar technology to generate energy for manufacturing. On-site electric vehicle charging stations will also be installed and rainwater that lands on the campus reused. Aerion公园的建设将尽可能使用可回收材料, 在当地采购,以尽量减少排放,公园将致力于创造零废物.

Aerion has already established a temporary office location on the Orlando Melbourne 国际 Airport campus to house a growing 佛罗里达-based employment base. 新公园的建设正在进行中, with major construction work commencing later this year ahead of the first AS2 aircraft flight test vehicle commencing production in 2023. Aerion计划在10年内交付300架飞机, 在不断增长的国内和国际积压订单的支持下,目前已超过70亿美元.

更新: Aerion于2021年5月21日宣布将停止运营. 在新闻稿中, 该公司表示, “AS2超音速公务机项目满足所有市场需求, 技术, 监管和可持续性要求, 通用航空的一个新的超音速部分的市场已经以11美元的价格得到了验证.AS2的销售积压达20亿美元. 然而, 在当前的金融环境下, it has proven hugely challenging to close on the scheduled and necessary large new capital requirements to finalize the transition of the AS2 into production. 考虑到这些条件, the Aerion Corporation is now taking the appropriate steps in consideration of this ongoing financial environment."

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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